Tuesday, November 07, 2006

E-Mail Marketing In General

Today I will talk about the subtopics of e-mail marketing because first I would like you to see the whole picture.

E-Mail marketing in my oppinion is still one of the main methods to attract qualified traffic to your site however there are lots of things to be aware of.

One of these things is spam blocker or spam filters. They are very popular nowdays and I bet you have one too! These filters are great because they prevent all those rubbish e-mails to reach us. The problem with these filters are that if you wait an e-mail from an unknown address , the filter will potentialy block that mail. This is too bad for you because if a visitor on your website subscribes to your newsletter he won't get it until he doesn't set his spam blocker to accept e-mails from your address.

My suggestion is to always tell them to set their filters, and always send an activation e-mail to them before letting them to your list. This is an e-mail which contains an activation link. The subscriber's only job is to click on it.

But lets get back to the topics!

1. Building a list of e-mails

I put this to first place because it is crucial in your online marketing strategy. Just imagine that you sell mobile phones on your website and you have a list of 6000 people who are interested in buying a new phone. How profitable that would be? Of course you can use this list in other marketing methods too. People will even pay you to advertise in it!

2. Newsletter

The best way to collect people's addresses is to offer a free newsletter or an e-mail course on the topic you write about. Tell your visitors that they will receive real value by subscribing to your newsletter. Maybe this is a good chance to use a viral marketing product too, which I will discuss later.

3. Landing Page

This is the page where your visitor arrives first. Be sure to offer them something valuable on this page. Make it short and eye catching. Offer your visitors free stuff if they give you their e-mails.

4. Autoresponders

Great way to contact your subscribers automatically after they have given you their address. Be polite in this e-mail and also give them a brief but valuable info about your topic.

5. Buying qualified E-mail lists

This is a dangerous subtopic because of the lots of scammers and poor services in this area. This method is very good for beginners who not yet have their own list.
I will give you resources and site names to use.

6. Tips and tricks

I will give you some extra info which is truly magical, and is very effective and profitable.

Thats it for today. Prepare yourself for tomorrow's List Building Lesson!