Thursday, October 26, 2006

Useful little tips and tricks to rank better on Search Engines and to attract qualified traffic

I promised yesterday that I will tell you how to increase your traffic using Article Directories, Forums, and with Banner Advertising. The moment of truth is here finally! So pay attention!

The First in the row will be Article directories:

If you write your own articles then why not post them to these directories? If they hold real value, someone will surely pick them up and will publish it on his or her site or blog. The trick is that he or she must implement a link to your site to publish your article. Is her website gets lots of visitors they will surely visit your site too, and not just that, because you've just increased your link popularity!
Trust me on this. If you do this right you will get your reward!

My favourite directories:

Advertising in forums is our next topic.

You have to be careful with this. Not all forum admins let advertisments in their forum, so be sure to read the forum rules before advertising. I suggest you look for forums in your particular topic, where signitures are allowed, and you can put you ad in there without braking the rules. This can give very qualified traffic especially if you post valuable messages in the forum.
If the forum admin states clearly among the rules that advertisments are not allowed you still can make profit!
Here is what you should do in this case:
Join the forum. Make a few interesting posts about the topic. Be helpful, and get to know few people there. Build relationships! After a while e-mail the forum admin that you have a blog or a website which has valuable info for the forum members. Ask him to check it out, and if he too finds it valuable then ask him to send your url to the forum members. This is the case when good communication skills comes in handy.
If he likes your site you can even build a Joint Venture, a long term partnership /not what you think :-)/with him. For example you exchange links with each other. Why not? It is a win-win situation!

Banner advertising is the last topic I will cover today.

Few years ago this kind of advertisment was a killer, but nowdays it is becoming more and more tricky to do this right. Lots of sites offer services in this area but do not fall for them!
Banner ads can still be profitable today. Since you already checked out the sites which are discussing similar topics to yours, then these are the sites you should focus on. You can exchange banners with them or you can buy banner impressions. It is time to think differently about your competition!
The way you should design your banners are simple and logical. The more eyecatching they are the more clicks you will get.
A few simple rules:

- Make them playful (the visitor would be able to shoot a running rabbit or something like this)

- Make them stand out (Do not design just one banner! Make at least 4! Make sure that they will stand out from the that site's environment where you will advertise!)

-Create different banner sizes

-Make them funny but at the same time serious

If you can't create a banner then you can hire someone to do it for you on

Thats it for today. I hope you enjoyed this article!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

On-Page and Off-Page Optimization Step by Step+Other Trips and Tricks

Again I don't want to philosophize so I will give you a step by step guide to SEO.

1. Step-Keyword research

I talked about this two days ago, but again it is crucial to choose the right keywords, analyze your competition and potential traffic. Just a quick thought. The more specific you are, the more qualified visitors you will get. So when choosing the keywords consider that not necessarily the keywords which have the most searches are the biggest value to you.

2. Step-Site Design

Concentrate on the content. When doing this do not pay too much attention about where you use the keywords. Just write valuable content and do not include flash.

3. Sitemap

When you built up your whole site, it is time to create a good sitemap which links to all of your pages, and have brief info about what those pages are about.

4. Keyword Analyzing

When your site and sitemap is ready, read your whole site and concentrate on the keywords you would like to optimize for. Check how many times, in which format, they appear. Follow the instructions I gave you in my On-Page optimization article.

5. Image ALT text

Little trick. Include your most important keyword in you LOGO's Image Alt text because most likely that is the first thing, the search engine robot will see.

6. Meta Tags

Remember? They are in the Header section in your HTML code. In my oppinion it is absolutely optional to use them or not. Some of you who don't like HTML just skip them however if you would like to use them, make sure you do it right! Do not overdo it. Include about 15-20 keywords in the meta keywords tag. From this 15-20 2-3 should be your main keywords. This way the keyword density will be ok. Right a brief info in the meta description tag about your site's topic. This will appear when a search engine shows your site after somebody searched for your main keywords.

7. Off-Page Optimization

I highly recommend to use those tools I talked about yesterday. They will make this process much much more easier however you can do this by yourself also. Remember that relationships in web based business are as important as in off-line business. Build frindships and business partnerships while doing this part. Believe me, it will be profitable!

8. Search Engine Submission

Do not fall for cheap tricks like "We submit your site to thousands of Search Engines!"! There are only 3 search engines you would like to focus on! These are MSN, Google, and Yahoo. You can do the submission manually from their sites but if you have Axandra's IBP, it will do this step for you also. Or if your Link Popularity Improvment strategy were correct you might be indexed by them already!

9. More Tips and tricks

I will discuss these in more detail tomorrow, but to name a few: Submit your articles to Article Directories, Subscribe to forums related to your topic and put your site in the signiture. Search for site's which are relevant to yours (hopefully you've done this already while Off-Page Optimization) and advertise with Banners on them or exchange banners with their webmasters.

Thats it for today. I hope you enjoyed what you read, and that I could help you to put together the whole picture.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Welcome to the World of Off-Page Optimization!

As I promised yesterday I will discuss tips and techniques for Off-Page Optimization today and of course I will give you info about tools which can make your work faster and more effective. If you are a Google fan and you plan to optimize your pages on Google then I highly recommend to put the methods, you will read about, in action, because Google likes Off-Page Optimization lot more than On-Page Optimization.

Let's start with something you might already know. You've probably seen the Google Page Rank if you have Google toolbar implemented in your browser. There is actually a number you can see on it everytime you view a new webpage. That is the Google Page Rank. If you see a page with 7 or higher Rank, you definetely want that page to link to your site.

But first things first, what exactly is Off-Page Optimization? Off-Page Optimization is Link Popularity Improvment. This means that the more inbound links you have to your pages the more valuable your site is, and of yours the higher your rank is in Search Engines.

There are two Basic Link Popularity improvement tactics.

At first you have to know that for Search Engines it is a lot more valuable if you have high ranking site's, linking to you while do don't link to them! This is of course logically means for search engines that your site content has a lots of value which they will reward with high ranking!

People always ask that how can my site be indexed in Google or Msn or whatever Search Engine faster. The answer is: Make high page rank websites link to you and you will be indexed in google in just a few days! Of course you should choose high page rank sites which content is relevant to your topic.
The disadvantage of this method is that you have to pay to these sites unless you have a really promising content.

The other way is Trading Links. That means you search for websites related to your topic, and e-mail them to ask a link exchange. This is not too hard but if you would like to accelerate this process I highly recommend two programs.

The first is SEO Guru Brad Callen's SEO Elite software which you can find on:


There are a couple of videos created by Brad where you can see how the software works.

The other software is Axandra's Arelis. This sofware is extremely good with lots of exciting features which make Off-Page Optimization to a kid's game! You can try the software for free at:


There are two sites also who offer link popularity improver services. I highly recommend to check them out in order to save time and money.

Text Link Ads


I know that these links and sentences seem like an advertisment but in my oppinion it is lot better to tell exactly how you should do something right, than just to philosophize.

Whether you use any of these methods, services or tools you need to know that the link text, which you will put on other websites, must contain your main keywords. But beware! Don't overdo this. Don't put the same link text on every website you trade links with. Change it. Include different keywords. Be creative and you will get the reward!

Final Words:

Off-Page Optimization is not that hard. I think it is more about building relationships with other webmasters who are people just like you! So my advice is when you do Off-Page Optimization, build as many business relationships as you can! You cannot know how profitable they will be in the future!

Tomorrow will be SEO's too. I will summerize and put everything together with few new and additional tips and tricks, so be prepared!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Internet Marketing

SEO-Search Engine Optimization

I promised yesterday that I will discuss On-Page and Off-Page optimization today. This morning I decided to talk about them in two separate posts not to overwhelm you with too much info. I will provide the Best resources and tools to make your work a heck of a lot easier!

So lets Begin with On-Page Optimization!

First I would like to talk about On-Page Optimization. Do not worry! I made it as easy to understand as I could!

At first what the hell is On-Page Optimization?-you would ask. On-Page Optimization means that your site design and more important, your CONTENT should be easily readable by the search engine bots, and the keywords for which you optimize your site should be placed correctly. Search Engine bots are programs who will come to your site and read it's content.

What does a search engine bot see? Nice question. The answer is: Text, Links, Image Alt text, meta tags etc.
If you don't know what are meta tags; they are placed in the Head section in your site's HTML code. Two kinds of them exist. The Meta Keyword tag which should contain the most important keywords you would like to optimize for. The second is the Meta Description Tag which should contain a brief info about your site's content, and this tag should contain few important keywords too if you want to rank well.

So how should I start the optimization process?

1. Keyword Research

You have to start a research for the keywords you would like to optimize your site for.
The most effective and probably the most profitable ways to do this are:


Wordtracker is a service which provide you the most popular keywords at the moment. I highly recommend to subscribe to their newsletter and they will send you the most popular keywords periodically.

Keyword Elite

Keyword Elite is a Brilliant Software created by SEO Guru Brad Callen. I think this is the best choice for those who are just starting in SEO because the cost-value balance is perfect.

Axandra Search Engine Optimization Software

The third I recommend is a software also which is created by Axandra. They are in SEO Business since 1997 so they know what they are doing. The software's name is IBP which stands for Internet Business Promoter which now includes a lighter version of Arelis which is Axandra's link popularity improver software. This software is not cheap but if you are serious about SEO you have to get it. It is a very easy to use and highly effective solution and has lot more features than keyword research! You can try it for free and you can subscribe to Axandra's SEO newsletter, which I highly recommend also.

2.Keyword placement and format

When you have the keywords you would like to use, you have to place and format them the right way. If you use IBP then this process will be much easier because it will analyze your site and your competitors websites and it will tell you how you can beat them!
My suggestion: Place the keywords you chose in the H1 tag and the H2 tag. Place them in 1-2 image alt tags, in the actual content make some of them bold and some of them italic. The keywords should appear in the few first and few last sentences in your content. The density of this process depends on how long is your site's content.

I recommend you to visit Brad Callen's website and subscribe to his E-Mail SEO course. Heres the link to his site:


3.What you shouldn't do if you want to rank well:

Do not place Flash on your website. The Search Engine bots doesn't like it. Do not place too much of the same keywords on your site because search engines will ban you.
Do not make your content too long on one page because it will affect your ranking. Don't use too much keywords in the Meta Description and Meta Keywords Tag.

4. Sitemap

This webpage should be implemented in your site to make the search engine bots easier to monitor your webpages. If you have a good sitemap it can be a huge help to rank better than your competition!

One more last thought! Remember every time that CONTENT is KING in On-Page optimization, so be sure to put interesting articles and content on your site which is related to the topic, your whole site discuss.

Thats it for today. I hope I could help to give you some insight and thoughts about how On-Page optimization works.

We will meet tomorrow and discuss Off-Page optimization. So be prepared!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yesterday I talked about Online Business and Investment Opportunities in general.

From today the Real Course will begin!:-)

The first topic, I would like to tell you about in more detail, is Internet Marketing.

This is a topic which would require a complete blog or site. There are countless books about this area, but I will try to make it easy for you to learn.

Today I would like to talk about the topics of Internet Marketing in General and from tomorrow I will go into more detail in each part.

The first part has to be SEO in my oppinion which stands for Search Engine Optimization. I have a question here. How do you usually search something on the net?
Well I don't know how you do it, but most people use Google which is the most popular search engine. You type in the keywords you want to look for and there it is! Hundreds and thousands of results! How much traffic do you think the site, which is positioned 567 on a particular keyword, get? Yea. Nothing. But the truth is that the site which is not on the first page of results has the same problems as the one we talked about earlier. But how can my site be positioned among the the first results?-you would ask. The answer is On-page and Off-page optimization which I will discuss tomorrow.

Second topic is PPC which stands for Pay per Click advertising. You probably heard about Google Adwords already. If not then when you will do a search next time on Google, watch the ads on the right side. They are Adwords ads. People pay for Google to make their website positioned on the first page of results. This form of advertising has an incredible advantage. You don't have to wait weeks or months to see your site appear among search results. Of course you have to pay for this service, so you have to be careful which keywords would you like to use and how you want to write your ad.

E-mail Marketing will be our next topic. Since 2002 this area like others changed a lot. There are modern spam filters which prevent the unexperienced E-mail Marketer to reach his potential customers, and people nowdays became very selective about which e-mail they read, however this method of advertising is crucial nowdays too, and if you know how to do it right, you've just found a goldmine! I will talk about how to build a list, how and why use autoresponders, how to write an e-mail, and how often you should e-mail your list.

Viral Marketing is the final topic I will talk about. But what the Hell is viral marketing? Is this going to make me sick? Or my customers? No it won't, rather it can bring you lots of qualified visitors. I think the best way to describe this area is to give you a short example.
Lets say you have a gambling website; an online casino. People can play Rulette, Black Jack, Poker etc. They are having fun, and losing money. You write a small handbook about Winner Black Jack tactics or How to beat the Casino's playing Poker /Sounds like a Bestseller!:-)/. By coincidence you include your website's address and it's short description, maybe a little reward, a little bonus to people who click on your link from the handbook and sign up. You offer this e-book for free for your members or anyone who gives you his/her name and e-mail address /Oooopss this is already a good combination with list building in e-mail marketing :-)/. You state in this handbook that this book can be copied and shared with anyone. MAN! You've just created a killer viral marketing product!
This method brings extremely qualified visitors to your site and can be combined with other marketing methods.

Of course there are other forms of advertiseing too but first we will discuss these to give you a kick start and not to overwhelm you with too much information.

Have fun! We will meet tomorrow!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I hope yestarday you could think over what I adviced!

Today I would like to list and write briefly about the topics we will cover.

1. Internet Marketing

This topic is very well known among online business entrepreneurs. The reason why is, that it is associated or can be associated with every single business opportunity we will talk about. Just a few sub-topics about Internet marketing: SEO-Search Engine Optimization, PPC-Payed Per Click Search Engines, E-Mail marketing, Viral Marketing etc. The main purpose of Internet Marketing is of course to drive QUALITY traffic to your website, because without it there would be no sales, clickthroughs etc. I will also cover in this topic how to search for the latest trends and how to decide what services or products you should offer.

2. Online Investment Opportunities

Why they are so important? Because if you are lazy like me, and you like to make your money work instead of you, it is the best way to do it. And my answer is NO, you don't need to have millions, not even thousands of dollars to make money in this area. The other reason why this topic is important is that you can do it simultaneously with other businesses and grow your monthly cashflow. I will talk about HYIPs /High Yield Investment Programs/ , Private Investment Opportunities, etc.

3. Sport Arbitrage

This is a new opportunity which will definetely blow your mind! Have you ever wanted to be sure to win on Sports Betting? Because this is exactly what Sport Arbitrage is. Win regardlesss of the outcome. However there are things to watch out for. I will cover the basic concept, the returns you can make, softwares, services and bookmakers you should use.

4. FOREX-Foreign Exchange Market

This is also an investment opportunity. You may ask: Why didn't I talk about this among the Invesmtent Opportunities section? Because many times when you find a HYIP or a Private investment program, you will read on their website, that they are offering those big returns by trading FOREX. So I would like you to know what are the pros and cons of this area. I also would like to tell you how to find the best ways to trade FOREX yourself!

5. Blogs

I designed a separate topic for this, because I think it is the cheapest way to start business online, and I know that not everyone of us has hundreds, or thousands of dollars to start. Do not misunderstand me! It is not a way to make a few bucks but rather, it has great profit potential, if it is done correctly!

6. Dropshipping-Wholesaleing

A great way to make money online, but like every other opportunity it has it's frauds too. I highly recommend to double check everyone who offer Dropshipping and Wholesaleing service if you don't want to lose your hard earned money. I will talk about how to open an Online Store, where you should open it, what design it should have, how to find legitimate dropshipping and wholesale resources, and of course how to run a LEGITIMATE business.

7. Communication

This topic is what you surely haven't seen when you searched for business opportunities. It is not a business opportunity in itself /unless you are creative :)/ but it is really important in every kind of business you do whether it is online or offline!

Thats it for today! See you tomorrow!

Friday, October 20, 2006

At First I would like to say Welcome Everyone to Online Business and Investing World!

No. It is not that easy as you can see on this picture but not so hard that you must give up your dream to be an online enterpreneur and investor.

I know sometimes it is boring especially for those who don't like network marketing motivational speakers, to talk about the attitude you need to be successful online.
Believe me when I say that your attitude is crucial if you want to succeed!

And the Best Attitude for you now is to absorb as many VALUABLE info as you can to start your business, and then put it into action immediately! Why am I saying this? Because most people fail because they are lazy. They realize after making mistakes that it is not as easy as they thought to make money online, and they don't want to invest the time, money, and the purpose to start for real.

Purpose? Yes you heard it perfectly! The most important thing before you do anything and when I say anything that includes learning too, that you decide why do you want to start a business online?

To Be your own Boss?

To buy a new home?

To buy your dream car?

To travel throughout the World?

Believe me that these are extremely important questions. Before I tell you anything about how to make real money online I want you to sit down and dream like a child. Decide what do you want and think about how much energy, time, money would you invest to make your dreams come true!