Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Welcome to the World of Off-Page Optimization!

As I promised yesterday I will discuss tips and techniques for Off-Page Optimization today and of course I will give you info about tools which can make your work faster and more effective. If you are a Google fan and you plan to optimize your pages on Google then I highly recommend to put the methods, you will read about, in action, because Google likes Off-Page Optimization lot more than On-Page Optimization.

Let's start with something you might already know. You've probably seen the Google Page Rank if you have Google toolbar implemented in your browser. There is actually a number you can see on it everytime you view a new webpage. That is the Google Page Rank. If you see a page with 7 or higher Rank, you definetely want that page to link to your site.

But first things first, what exactly is Off-Page Optimization? Off-Page Optimization is Link Popularity Improvment. This means that the more inbound links you have to your pages the more valuable your site is, and of yours the higher your rank is in Search Engines.

There are two Basic Link Popularity improvement tactics.

At first you have to know that for Search Engines it is a lot more valuable if you have high ranking site's, linking to you while do don't link to them! This is of course logically means for search engines that your site content has a lots of value which they will reward with high ranking!

People always ask that how can my site be indexed in Google or Msn or whatever Search Engine faster. The answer is: Make high page rank websites link to you and you will be indexed in google in just a few days! Of course you should choose high page rank sites which content is relevant to your topic.
The disadvantage of this method is that you have to pay to these sites unless you have a really promising content.

The other way is Trading Links. That means you search for websites related to your topic, and e-mail them to ask a link exchange. This is not too hard but if you would like to accelerate this process I highly recommend two programs.

The first is SEO Guru Brad Callen's SEO Elite software which you can find on:


There are a couple of videos created by Brad where you can see how the software works.

The other software is Axandra's Arelis. This sofware is extremely good with lots of exciting features which make Off-Page Optimization to a kid's game! You can try the software for free at:


There are two sites also who offer link popularity improver services. I highly recommend to check them out in order to save time and money.

Text Link Ads


I know that these links and sentences seem like an advertisment but in my oppinion it is lot better to tell exactly how you should do something right, than just to philosophize.

Whether you use any of these methods, services or tools you need to know that the link text, which you will put on other websites, must contain your main keywords. But beware! Don't overdo this. Don't put the same link text on every website you trade links with. Change it. Include different keywords. Be creative and you will get the reward!

Final Words:

Off-Page Optimization is not that hard. I think it is more about building relationships with other webmasters who are people just like you! So my advice is when you do Off-Page Optimization, build as many business relationships as you can! You cannot know how profitable they will be in the future!

Tomorrow will be SEO's too. I will summerize and put everything together with few new and additional tips and tricks, so be prepared!

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